Appropriations Requests
Community Project Requests for FY2026
The House Appropriations Committee has not yet released information about the funding deadlines for FY2026 or the specific funding streams that will be available, so our office is not yet able to accept and review applications for FY2026 community project funding. Because we expect the information requested in the application forms to be similar to the information requested in FY2024, we have made PDF versions of those forms available below. Interested applicants are strongly encouraged to prepare draft responses based on these forms since there may be a tight turnaround between when information is published on the accounts that will be open for funding and the deadlines for submitting requests. The FY2026 forms and deadlines will be posted as soon as additional guidance is received from the relevant committees.
To receive email updates when the FY2026 forms and deadlines have been posted, please enter your information here.
CA 52 Community Project Request Application Forms for FY2024
- Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies
- Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies
- Energy and Water Development and Related Agencies
- Homeland Security and Related Agencies
- Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies
- Transportation, Housing, Urban Development, and Related Agencies
Programmatic and Language Requests for FY2026
Rep. Vargas is currently accepting programmatic and language requests for inclusion in the FY2026 budget.
Programmatic Requests: A programmatic request is a request to fund a general federal agency or program at a specified level. For example: Provide $115,000,000 for the National Science Foundation's Hispanic-Serving Institutions Program. Fill out this form to make a programmatic request for FY 2026 appropriations.
Language Requests: A language request is a request for bill or report language that does not direct funding to a particular entity but encourages, urges, or directs some type of action by an agency. For example: The Committee encourages the National Science Foundation develop programming to support STEM education for undergraduates at Hispanic-serving institutions. Fill out this form to make a language request for FY2026 appropriations