Constituents planning a trip to Washington, D.C. may schedule a tour of the U.S. Capitol building directly with my office. Our office is able to give staff-led tours Monday through Friday between the hours of 10:00am to 3:30pm. Please contact or call 202-225-8045 to schedule a tour with the following information:
Contact/Group Name
Contact Email Address
Contact Residential Address
Up to three dates for the tour (list highest priorities first)
Preferred time of visit
Number of people in the group
If you would like a tour of the Capitol on the weekend, you can receive a tour from the Capitol Visitors Center. For more information on prohibited items, open hours and other important information, please visit the Capitol Visitor Center website.
My office can assist constituents with requesting a tour to visit the White House. The White House tours are self-guided, last approximately 45 min, and are typically available Tuesday through Thursday, 7:30 AM - 11:30 AM ET, and Friday through Saturday, 7:30 AM - 1:30 PM ET. (excluding federal holidays or unless otherwise noted).
If you wish to request a tour, you will need to contact my DC office by emailing or calling 202-225-8045 with the following information:
Contact/Group Name
Contact Email Address
Contact Residential Address
Up to three dates for the tour (list highest priorities first)
Preferred time of visit
Number of people in the group
Tours are scheduled on a first come, first served basis. In order to visit the White House, a background check will need to be conducted. Requests can be submitted up to three months in advance and no less than 10 days in advance.
(DISCLAIMER: White House tours are booking up quickly. We recommend contacting us 80-90 days in advance of your trip to secure a spot for your group). You are encouraged to submit your request as early as possible for the best chance.
If our office is able to submit a WH tour request on your behalf, you will then receive an email with a RSVP link directly from the White House, where you have 48 hours to submit your information. Failure to do this will result in request cancellation.
Please note that White House tours may be subject to last minute cancellation due to inclement weather or scheduling conflicts, even after your tour is confirmed. For more information, you can contact my office or visit: Visit The White House FAQs – The White House.